During the past 16 years after graduation from the Northern Virginia School of Therapeutic Massage , and establishing a thriving practice serving the Northern Virginia/DC/MD area, I have gathered a "medicine bag" full of massage techniques from various modalities. I integrated these into a therapeutic massage experience that was founded upon deep tissue work. I also came to deeply understand the mind/body connection and that trauma (physical and emotional) gets trapped in the body and can be released and processed, thereby alleviating physical and emotional symptoms, through gentle, intentional therapies such as Craniosacral Therapy and Somatic techniques. One of my goals in treating a client is that we get to a stage where their health has improved so much that they need not see me as often because they feel that much better and fully embodied.
IF you are interested in learning more about how the body is affected by traumas and can be healed through the techniques mentioned above, I encourage you to check out the dork of Dr. Va Der Kolk, and his pivotal work, "The Body Keeps the Score."
Certified Health Coach
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